Susan Komen Foundation Tortures Animals And Obscures Truth

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Meat Fish & Dairy Cause Breast Cancer
The medical cancer industrial complex has been a hundreds of billions of dollars business in this country

The businesses listed support the animal torture research of the Susan G Komen Foundation which is also harming women and animals by not informing the public that the prime cause of breast cancer is the consumption of mammal, bird, fish flesh, eggs and milk with or without hormones. The US has skyrocketing rates of breast cancer compared to the rest of the world.

Isaac Tigrett, founder of the Hard Rock Cafe, sold his 40 outlets when he became a vegetarian. He donated much of the proceeds to fund a free hospital in Bangalore India. several thousand vegan physicians publicizing the prime cause of breast, uterine, cervical, ovarian and prostate cancer

Some of the corporate sponsors of the Susan Komen animal torture research are shown.
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